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This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including @form8ion/eslint-config-extender with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

// #### Import // remark-usage-ignore-next 4 import {resolve} from 'node:path'; import stubbedFs from 'mock-fs'; import * as td from 'testdouble'; import any from '@travi/any'; // remark-usage-ignore-next 12 const stubbedNodeModules = stubbedFs.load(resolve('node_modules')); const error = new Error('Command failed with exit code 1: npm ls husky --json'); error.exitCode = 1; error.stdout = JSON.stringify({}); error.command = 'npm ls husky --json'; const {default: execa} = await td.replaceEsm('@form8ion/execa-wrapper'); td.when(execa('. ~/.nvm/ && nvm ls-remote --lts', {shell: true})) .thenResolve({stdout: ['v16.5.4', ''].join('\n')}); td.when(execa('. ~/.nvm/ && nvm install', {shell: true})).thenReturn({stdout: {pipe: () => undefined}}); td.when(execa('npm', ['ls', 'husky', '--json'])).thenReject(error); td.when(execa('npm run generate:md && npm test', {shell: true})).thenReturn({stdout: {pipe: () => undefined}}); td.when(execa('npm', ['whoami'])).thenResolve({stdout: any.word()}); const {packageManagers} = await import('@form8ion/javascript-core'); const {questionNames: projectQuestionNames} = await import('@form8ion/project'); const {scaffold: javascriptScaffolder, questionNames: jsQuestionNames} = await import('@form8ion/javascript'); const {scaffold, extendEslintConfig} = await import('./lib/index.mjs'); // remark-usage-ignore-next stubbedFs({node_modules: stubbedNodeModules}); // #### Execute // ##### Scaffolder Plugin (async () => { await scaffold({ projectRoot: process.cwd(), projectName: 'eslint-config-foo', scope: 'bar' }); })(); // ##### High-Level Scaffolder (async () => { await extendEslintConfig( { decisions: { [projectQuestionNames.PROJECT_NAME]: 'eslint-config-foo', [projectQuestionNames.DESCRIPTION]: 'a description of the project', [projectQuestionNames.VISIBILITY]: 'Public', [projectQuestionNames.LICENSE]: 'MIT', [projectQuestionNames.COPYRIGHT_HOLDER]: 'John Smith', [projectQuestionNames.COPYRIGHT_YEAR]: '2022', [projectQuestionNames.GIT_REPO]: true, [projectQuestionNames.REPO_HOST]: 'GitHub', [projectQuestionNames.REPO_OWNER]: 'org-name', [jsQuestionNames.AUTHOR_NAME]: 'John Smith', [jsQuestionNames.AUTHOR_EMAIL]: '', [jsQuestionNames.AUTHOR_URL]: '', [jsQuestionNames.SCOPE]: 'org-name', [jsQuestionNames.PACKAGE_MANAGER]: packageManagers.NPM, [jsQuestionNames.NODE_VERSION_CATEGORY]: 'LTS', [jsQuestionNames.CI_SERVICE]: 'Other', [jsQuestionNames.PROVIDE_EXAMPLE]: false }, vcsHosts: { GitHub: { scaffolder: options => options, prompt: ({decisions}) => ({[projectQuestionNames.REPO_OWNER]: decisions[projectQuestionNames.REPO_OWNER]}) } } }, decisions => options => javascriptScaffolder({...options, decisions, unitTestFrameworks: {}}) ); })();

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

@form8ion/eslint-config-extender v8.0.3

shareable ESLint config scaffolder for extending another config

RunKit is a free, in-browser JavaScript dev environment for prototyping Node.js code, with every npm package installed. Sign up to share your code.
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