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RunKit +

Try any Node.js package right in your browser

This is a playground to test code. It runs a full Node.js environment and already has all of npm’s 1,000,000+ packages pre-installed, including @form8ion/javascript with all npm packages installed. Try it out:

// #### Import // remark-usage-ignore-next 4 import {resolve} from 'path'; import stubbedFs from 'mock-fs'; import td from 'testdouble'; import 'validate-npm-package-name'; // remark-usage-ignore-next 10 stubbedFs({ node_modules: stubbedFs.load(resolve(...[__dirname, 'node_modules'])), '.nvmrc': 'v1.2.3', lib: stubbedFs.load(resolve(...[__dirname, 'lib'])), templates: stubbedFs.load(resolve(...[__dirname, 'templates'])) }); const execa = td.replace('execa'); td.when(execa('. ~/.nvm/ && nvm ls-remote --lts', {shell: true})) .thenResolve({stdout: ['v16.5.4', ''].join('\n')}); td.when(execa('. ~/.nvm/ && nvm install', {shell: true})).thenReturn({stdout: {pipe: () => undefined}}); const {dialects, projectTypes} = require('@form8ion/javascript-core'); const { scaffold: scaffoldJavaScript, lift: liftJavascript, test: thisIsAJavaScriptProject, scaffoldUnitTesting, questionNames } = require('./lib/index.js'); // #### Execute (async () => { const accountName = 'form8ion'; const projectRoot = process.cwd(); await scaffoldJavaScript({ projectRoot, projectName: 'project-name', visibility: 'Public', license: 'MIT', configs: { eslint: {scope: `@${accountName}`}, remark: `@${accountName}/remark-lint-preset`, babelPreset: {name: `@${accountName}`, packageName: `@${accountName}/babel-preset`}, commitlint: {name: `@${accountName}`, packageName: `@${accountName}/commitlint-config`} }, overrides: {npmAccount: accountName}, ciServices: {}, unitTestFrameworks: {}, decisions: { [questionNames.DIALECT]: dialects.BABEL, [questionNames.NODE_VERSION_CATEGORY]: 'LTS', [questionNames.PACKAGE_MANAGER]: 'npm', [questionNames.PROJECT_TYPE]: projectTypes.PACKAGE, [questionNames.SHOULD_BE_SCOPED]: true, [questionNames.SCOPE]: accountName, [questionNames.AUTHOR_NAME]: 'Your Name', [questionNames.AUTHOR_EMAIL]: 'you@domain.tld', [questionNames.AUTHOR_URL]: '', [questionNames.UNIT_TESTS]: true, [questionNames.INTEGRATION_TESTS]: true, [questionNames.PROVIDE_EXAMPLE]: true } }); if (await thisIsAJavaScriptProject({projectRoot})) { await liftJavascript({ projectRoot, configs: {eslint: {scope: '@foo'}}, results: { dependencies: [], devDependencies: [], scripts: {}, eslint: {configs: [], ignore: {directories: []}}, packageManager: 'npm' } }); } await scaffoldUnitTesting({ projectRoot: process.cwd(), frameworks: { Mocha: {scaffolder: options => options}, Jest: {scaffolder: options => options} }, visibility: 'Public', vcs: {host: 'GitHub', owner: 'foo', name: 'bar'}, decisions: {[questionNames.UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK]: 'Mocha'} }); })();

This service is provided by RunKit and is not affiliated with npm, Inc or the package authors.

@form8ion/javascript v11.10.0

JavaScript language plugin for the @form8ion toolset

RunKit is a free, in-browser JavaScript dev environment for prototyping Node.js code, with every npm package installed. Sign up to share your code.
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